Singing Guide: Tommy Page

Singing Guide: Tommy Page

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tommy Page was an American singer and songwriter known for his pop hits, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s. His music career led him to work with famous record companies, including Sire, Elektra, and Warner Bros. Page was 5'11" in height and had a tenor voice range. If you want to learn singing like Tommy Page, you'll need to master his unique style and incorporate his vocal techniques and songs into your singing repertoire. Here's how to get started.

  1. Vocal range: Tommy Page has a tenor voice that can hit high notes with ease. Knowing your vocal range will help you understand which songs you can sing well. Take the vocal range test from Singing Carrots. The tool will help you figure out your vocal range, comparing it with famous singers.

  2. Practice breathing: Breathing is a vital aspect of singing. Inhale deeply before you begin singing. Proper breathing can help you control your pitch. Check the breathing basics article on Singing Carrots to prepare yourself.

  3. Warm-ups: Tommy Page's voice was all about power and control. Start warm-ups with the Farinelli breathing exercise that you can find in Skill-related videos section. Farinelli breathing exercise

  4. Sing in a chest voice: Tommy Page used his chest voice to sing at the middle and high range. Singing in a chest voice enables singers to produce a powerful and resonant sound. Chest Voice/Voice Registers exercise in the Skill-related Videos can help you to get started. Chest Voice/Voice Registers exercise

  5. Sing with emotion: Tommy Page's singing was emotional and expressive. Singing in tune is essential, but the heart of singing is to communicate feelings and emotions. Learn how to sing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking in Singing Carrots' article.

  6. Song selection: Identify songs where Tommy Page's voice is at its best. One reputed song is 'Paintings In My Mind". Song search tool that is available on Singing Carrots can help you to find more songs at Tommy Page's range. Song search tool

  7. Singing health: Taking good care of your voice is another essential aspect. Before you start singing or while practicing, warm-up your voice with humming exercises that are available in Skill-related Videos. Also, read about how to maintain vocal health in Singing Carrots' article.

With practice, you can develop your singing style that resonates with Tommy Page's unique voice. Singing Carrots resources mentioned in this article can support you throughout the process. Good luck and keep practicing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.